For many of the organisations we talk to about performance management, they are feeling the need for greater agility to cope with changes in market, customer and employee demands. Such changes have driven them to rethink the culture by which things gets done. They recognise that they need to empower and give greater ownership to each employee for meeting and exceeding their own goals and objectives.
Such organisations know that the annual (or six monthly) appraisal no longer serves them well when behavioural change needs to be rapid and 'owned' by each employee.
From the conversations we have had, and the work we have done, we have created a freely available eBook - Driving Cultural Change through Performance Management. It focuses on how to use the performance management process to drive change. It takes you through how benchmark your current review process and activities and how to move forward an introduce one which supports the cultural change you want to make.
From the eBook you'll learn:
If you are wanting to change the feedback culture in your organisation, then sign up to get your copy of the eBook and we'll send you a link straight away.
If you want to see how Talent Performance works, then take a look at the web page. When you are ready to talk about how our software could support you make that change, then do get in touch.