Employee engagement – the results are in!

Employee engagement surveys – and employee engagement in general – seem to be making a comeback. With greater economic stability, organisations are turning their attention to how best to engage their people and create an environment which enables the employees to offer more of their capability and potential. But many of the engagement tools on the market tend to be short, oversimplified and offer little of the information which is needed to take engagement further.  We wanted to look at this in more detail and ask HR decision makers about how they want to use the information they generate from employee engagement surveys. Our research took place earlier in the year. The results make interesting reading:

  • Nearly 3/4 of those organisations surveyed, make use of employee engagement surveys to some extent either through regular annual or biennial programmes - or on an ad-hoc basis.
  • Unearthing what is actually of importance to the employee consistently appears in the top three of the most significant questions to ask of employee engagement data with more than 6 in 10 including this.  Indeed over 50% organisations place this as being the single most important area to look at in the information obtained from a survey.
  • There is a need to be able to identify the main sources of disengagement with nearly half of the organisations surveyed including this in their top three of the data analysis needed – and 38% report that they need to identify the engagement trouble spots across the organisation.
  • 4 in 10 organisations are looking to understand the link between levels of employee engagement and the ability to deliver organisational objectives or demonstrate corporate values.
  • 1 in 3 organisations report that they want to use employee engagement survey data to help managers become better at engaging their own teams.
  • The abilities to benchmark with comparable organisations and monitor engagement levels over time are needed from engagement survey data.

Taking these points on board, Head Light has enhanced its Talent En-Gauge® employee engagement questionnaire and analytics tool by including additional functionality. If you’re ready to learn about how you can make the most of your employee engagement data, do get in touch.

Summary of research findings - Employee Engagement: what the  analytics need to tell us