Build your business case for online performance management

Our article in's Talent Management Essentials, outlines the four main benefits of on-line performance management that we observe through our work with clients - and from our research with those with whom we come in contact.

Organisations that move to online performance management witness:

  1. Better goal alignment and more objectives achieved. 80% claim to have achieved better goal alignment between the individual and those of the organisation and two thirds have witnessed a greater achievement of objectives.
  2. Increase in employee engagement and managers becoming ‘coaches’. 46% of organisations that have moved their performance reviews online claim to have increased employee engagement as a result. They also say their managers have become better coaches.
  3. Performance issues tackled more readily. More than half of organisations report that any counter-productive behaviour or performance is addressed more readily and two thirds have seen an increase in the quality of performance.
  4. More relevant development planning. Nearly 70% say their development planning has become more relevant, compared to when they were undertaking paper-based performance reviews.

The article then continues showing you how to build your case to invest in performance management.

If you would like to work with us to help you work out the return your organisation may see from investing in performance management then please get in touch.

Learn more about how to make the transition to continuous performance management