Unlocking True Employee Engagement: The Manager's Critical Role
Employee engagement is about how enthusiastic and connected people feel about where they work. It go...
You’d be right in thinking that by putting in place an online Performance Management system, managers and team members have a place to store, record and update performance objectives – and document their progress against these objectives.
But doesn’t this simply make it an expensive way to store all this? Is it then only used just-in-time for the annual performance review meeting, to 'go through the motions' and then not accessed again for another year?
That may well be the case if the online system you’re using is hard for users to find their way around, access whenever and wherever they want and looks as though it’s software of 10 years ago!
This isn’t the case with users of our online performance review software - Talent Performance
We hear time and again that our software not only provides the instant, accurate, company-wide overview of progression of objectives, and a great tool for HR and the senior team, but it actually helps to increase the engagement with the objectives themselves so that they become embedded in day-to-day working and part of regular continuous performance management conversations.
So what’s typical?
A user with 3,500 employees has seen 47,500 log-ins over the year – in other words, more than once a month for every single person.
It's seen 144,000 updates made - or over 41 updates and progress recorded for each and every person.
That’s well beyond "going through the motions"!
One would expect that the HR team that has researched, trialled, selected and deployed the talent management software really ‘get’ the system and what it does.
But time and again we’re told that it’s also the end users and the line managers that get fired up by the Talent Performance system: it goes well beyond box-ticking, it actually increases ownership of, and engagement, with the performance objectives - and supports the move to more continuous performance management.
If you'd like to explore this more do get in touch.
Employee engagement is about how enthusiastic and connected people feel about where they work. It go...
Performance review – and regular check-ins with the team – have traditionally relied on in-person me...
At this time of resolutions and plans, through our conversations with HR leaders, six critical talen...