The 10 steps to continuous performance management

Leading organisations are successfully replacing outdated appraisals with ‘continuous performance management’ – and we’ve been supporting them every step of the way from initiating change, creating assessments, reviewing processes, providing software and coaching managers.

But what are the key areas you need to consider if you are looking to make the shift from a one-off annual appraisal meeting which perhaps has an interim review mid-year, to on-going, continuous performance management?

We’ve seen that the smoothest changes take place when:

  • It’s viewed as a change programme with the buy-in, communication, plan and support that such a programme requires.
  • There’s a commitment to train managers to be coaches of performance, helping them to support objective achievement through coaching of individuals.
  • An online, always available performance feedback software system is made available to everyone so that updates and feedback can take place during the regular working day and people can ‘check-in’ with their managers to get feedback and support.
  • Frequent 1:1 check-in meetings are scheduled, held, recorded and acted upon.
  • Managers feel confident to have those difficult conversations as they access real time information.
  • Performance objectives are linked directly to the business goals and there’s a clear line of sight between what people are working towards and what the organisation is seeking to achieve.
  • Progress is tracked so achievement and areas where people are falling behind can be accessed easily by the individual and those others than need to know.
  • The performance review software used reflects the design and look of apps people are used to using outside of work. After all, how can you expect your new HR initiative to gain traction if the performance management software isn’t up to scratch?
  • Action actually takes place after performance conversations. It’s not an information-gathering exercise, there’s a direct link when needed to learning and development.
  • The senior team can access the data and analyse it themselves, not needing someone in HR to collate spreadsheet data once a year. They adopt an online tool with a suite of analytical tools to slice and dice the data, by group (however they choose to define this),and are able to look at year-on-year trends, illustrate data for others and then share and build on what is done.
  • The organisation can see that continuous performance management is working. They see it in the number of updates and log-ins made and the regularity of feedback being asked for and received. They can see the level of engagement with objectives and how these align to the business and progress is tracked throughout the year with action being taken when needed.

If you’re ready for the shift to continuous performance management, take a look at our video and let’s start the conversation.  Learn more about the transition to continuous performance management.