PDR process within the Police - do your systems comply?

See how Thames Valley Police uses online performance management software to support its annual PDR and performance review process

Thames Valley Police implement PDR process using Talent Performance

If you're based within a police force, you'll know that the National College of Policing is mandating that an annual performance review or PDR is to take place.


For this, you'll need a robust, reliable performance management software tool which has already shown to meet the demands of flexible PDR dates, fit with the ways in which Police forces operate and work to accommodate today's working practices. But most performance management software cannot support this - and we know that adapting systems to support both forms of annual PDR can be expensive and risky.

We've been working with Thames Valley Police.  It already has a strong approach to talent management by providing 'anytime, anywhere' access to its police officers and police staff to online PDR reviews - using both Anniversary and Non-Anniversary approaches - and you can read about this in our case study. 

Thames Valley Police -  using Talent Performance as part of its PDR

Thames Valley Police decided to deploy our Talent Performance software as its incumbent software could deliver neither the flexibility, customisation, secure access nor management dashboard that was needed.

Since implementing this, Thames Valley Police has witnessed strong benefits:

  1. It has seen an increase in individual ownership of the PDR process and subsequent development and career planning with 'hearts and minds' being won thanks to the degree of flexibility and customisation of the system.
  2. The senior leaders at Thames Valley Police now have an accurate and instant line of sight across the organisation. The management information that can be accessed, allows senior leaders to look across the organisation. They’re able to view the quality of the objectives set, how these fit with the strategic objectives of the force and how they with individuals’ development plans. This informs strategic development as the leadership team can see, organisationally, what action needs to be taken from a development perspective and where effort needs to be focused.
  3. A more open and transparent review process is in place - including the consistency in ratings allocated.
  4. A better structured and more concise PDR is written and submitted.
  5. Each individual now has the opportunity to reflect, develop and update progress and to keep all the information in one place for easy access.
Alison Sercombe, People Services Partner - Leadership at Thames Valley Police comments, "In my view you cannot run an effective and valuable appraisal process without software. You need excellent management information available across all areas of the business to identify where people are succeeding against their competencies and objectives. Without an accurate, robust and committed to PDR process, you have nothing."
If you would like to know more about how Talent Performance could help your PDR process, do get in touch.
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