Is your Talent Management software right for your organisation?

talent management software

What are the most important things to find out about a potential talent management software provider to determine if the system is right for your business?

To help HR and L&D decision makers to unearth whether the features of a talent management system and the experience and set up of a talent management software supplier will 'fit' with what they need to achieve and the culture of the organisation, we are hosting a number of lunchtime webinars.

It's about asking the right questions - and that means, the right questions for your business

After all, you need to be clear what you want and what you need - and not to be steered by the supplier's sales team. At the end of the webinar series, you'll have a clear map of what you are looking for and why this is important; any additional or alternative features that you are then introduced to are a bonus and you can evaluate those on their own merits.

We'll look at areas such as the technical and professional support on offer, the typical implementation paths and likely stumbling blocks. How bugs are fixed in the software, how the software is developed going forward, how you can influence this this and how often you’ll get updates. You may want to know about where the provider is based, who else they work with and what this means for them working with you. But these are simply areas to cover.

You are not going to get an idea of 'fit' by just knowing about the areas to look at, you need to think about why you are looking at these areas, the questions you might want to ask and the responses you would be looking for you to be sure that there would be a good fit.

And it’s not about ticking a box to show that you have the answers to the questions you've asked. You need to then be looking to see what answers mean for how you and your business operate. Only you will be able to determine if the culture of your organisation, and what this means in practice, will be served by a specific talent management software provider.

So make a date in the diary to join us over lunch!

The details

We focus on quite specific areas of talent management; 360 degree feedback, performance management, succession planning, career path mapping and employee engagement - and also look at talent management software as a whole.

Take a look at the webinar series.

Monday 12 September, 12:00 - 12:30
Performance management: find an online tool that will work for your company

Tuesday 13 September, 12:00 - 12:30
Getting the right Talent Management Software for your organisation

Wednesday 14 September, 12:00 - 12:30
Succession planning: talent software to meet your needs

Thursday 15 September, 12:00 - 12:30
360: what will work best for you?

Friday 16 September, 12:00 - 12:30
Career path mapping: finding a solution to help your employees plan their careers with you

Monday 19 September, 12:00 - 12:30
Employee engagement: focus your effort on what´s important

If you would like to join one or more of the webinars, let us know and we'll send you the information.

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