The real value of 360 degree feedback: the feedback session

360 degree feedback

Taking part in a 360 review can have immense benefits for a specific employee – and his or her manager, the wider team and the business.

But the most valuable part of the ‘process’ (feeding back 360 and taking action) can be the part that's taken for granted or doesn’t get the focus and planning it needs to really get the most from it. 

Does this sound familiar?

  • You spend huge amounts of time trying to get the assessment itself right - because the system you have just doesn't seem to fit your process, your language, or how you want it to be.
  • You're not even sure which is the most effective rating scales to include!
  • You have to work out who has been invited but not completed the 360, and then chase and chase and chase.
  • When you get the review closed, it's a relief to just generate the report - even if it does overwhelm you with information and you struggle to make sense of it all as you prepare.
  • You think that feeding back 360 with the participant goes well, but you're not sure of the engagement and ownership of the development plan.
  • The development planned seems to fizzle out as there's no easy way for participant, manager and L&D to keep track of progress. 

We speak with plenty of people who recognise that a good 360 brings value and benefit - but that there are just so many things that can derail the process. Which is why we do a number of things at Head Light to help lighten the load:

  • We provide (through our Good Practice Guide) proformas, checklists and top tips on how to draw on the latest good practice on 360. And the tips include which review scales to use. Request the first section of   The Good Practice Guide   for 360 degree feedback
  • Include unique ways in our software to monitor and track the review and to organise and present the 360 information so that participants and feedback-givers get a clear overview of what the 360 is suggesting.  Take a look at our video.360 degree feedback software
  • We train feedback facilitators to understand the report generated from our Talent 360 software tool making it easier for feeding back 360

  • Encourage you to set up in your 360 assessment questionnaire flags to highlight key competencies or skills for a role – or those which indicate high potential

  • Help you every step of the way as you implement a 360 degree feedback review – or even manage it for you. Our support is second to none.

If you’d like to talk more about how to get the most from 360, get in touch.

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