Talent Management Trends for 2025
At this time of resolutions and plans, through our conversations with HR leaders, six critical talen...
Questions asked by senior managers about succession risk and ultimately business risk are not always as simple, quick or straightforward to answer as you would think they would be.
Take a look at your organisation. If asked, can you find reliable, credible answers to the following questions?
Perhaps you have all the information - but all stored in spreadsheets so difficult to access. Or the information you have isn't up to date - or complete.
Perhaps your HR software already has a succession planning component that you’re using – or looking to use. But it may have limitations when it comes to needing specificity, interrogation and real-time data that succession planning needs.
But these questions needn’t be difficult.
You probably already know which are your key, strategically important posts, who are the people you see as potential successors to roles in different parts of the organisation and have some insight into the skills, abilities, competencies needed now and going forward.
You may still need to do some work around this. And we know this as we work with clients facing just the type of challenges you are facing.
And if these tricky succession planning questions fill you with dread, then talk to us about our succession planning software.
Take a look at a short video of how effective succession planning could be in your organisation - and how you would be able to answer those tricky succession planning questions you are asked.
Want to know more about how to introduce robust succession planning?
When you are ready to see for yourself how succession planning software can help you answer the difficult talent planning questions, do get in touch.
At this time of resolutions and plans, through our conversations with HR leaders, six critical talen...
The ability – and the willingness – of employees to adapt and prepare for their future roles has bec...
AI is under the microscope of many HR leaders. They appreciate that they need to explore and underst...