What is best practice for 360 degree feedback?

360 degree feedback360 degree feedback is a key talent management activity enabling employees to receive anonymous feedback from those with whom they work including their manager, co-workers, direct reports and, sometimes, customers and suppliers.

When delivered online, it needs to be efficient and easy-to-use so that informative data can be gathered, analysed and reported meaningfully to those taking part.

But what is a good online 360 process?

  1. There is support for the 360 from across the organisation and senior stakeholders are fully engaged.
  2. The process is clear, mapped out and communicated well across the organisation.
  3. Participants and reviewers are clear in what needs to be done - and are committed to the entire process.
  4. The 360 assessment itself reflects the person’s role and the competencies needed, using the language understood by him or her.
  5. There is a considered selection of reviewers or raters so that only people who work with, or have observed the person at work, are offering relevant commenting.
  6. The quality of the 360 feedback given by the raters is reviewed.
  7. The participant and facilitator prepare for the feedback session.
  8. A choice of presentation format of the feedback so that it makes sense to and has meaning for the person.
  9. The feedback session results in action and this is ‘owned’ by the participant.

You can learn more by requesting the first part of our Good Practice Guide to 360 degree feedback and see if it's something you want to read in its entirety.

Request the first section of   The Good Practice Guide   for 360 degree feedback

And you may like to take a look at our short video showing our own Talent 360 software. 

Watch video to see how to use 360 degree feedback