How to check Continuous Performance Management is working

Does continuous performance management work? Announcing the Continuous Performance Management Index - to help you determine how your continuous and on-going performance review is working and is embedded in your organisation

Use the Continuous Performance Management IndexMany organisations are making - or have made - the move to Continuous Performance Management. There's a real buzz about the benefits of continuous performance management and more regular check-ins or catch-ups between manager and team member. 

But how do you know if this is actually happening, and the goals and objectives being set and, in theory, talked through, are being progressed? 

Some performance management tools may give you an idea that updates are scheduled - but that's not quite good enough to show that Continuous Performance Management is taking place and, more importantly, actually working.

And that's why we have taken our already easy-to-use, valuable-to-access Talent Performance software, and included the Continuous Performance Management, or CPM, Index.

It's a calculation that draws on what we see as the 9 essential elements of an objective, goal and continuous performance management approach - and then produces a single CPM Index score. And, once you have this, you can see where action needs to take place to make performance review better.

It's several steps on from simply implementing Continuous Performance Management; it shows how it's working.  

You can see in this short video a little of the background of the CPM Index.

Take a look and get in touch if you'd like to see more. 

continuous performance management index

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Read more about how to make the transition to Continuous Performance Management

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