Making Check-Ins a purposeful conversation.


Everyone we talk to is buzzing about how to move to a more conversational approach to performance management.  But for many, it's not clear what that means in practice and how to make those conversations 'purposeful'.

Moving to a more agile and on-going approach to appraisal conversations, needs a culture shift, buy-in and commitment to a change.  Whilst you don't 'need' software, a great online system can help embed and reinforce this change. 

Having a tool that is easy to access and simple to use means you can enable, capture and build on those great conversations!  For you in HR, you'll be able to see what is happening and where - and measure, track and celebrate engagement in this new process. 

Spend 2-3 minutes now and take a quick look at the video below of how 'purposeful' check-ins can work between managers and their team members.

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It is so important now that software is attractive and easy to use - and should reflect your brand, values and culture.  But making the move to continuous performance management is more than just software. To help you decide where you need to focus attention, we've created an eBook to offer some background and give some practical next steps to consider.

FREE eBook  Continuous Performance Management -  and how to get started!

Get the eBook now and you'll learn:

 what defines Continuous Performance Management and why so many organisations are moving this way.

  • the core essentials that you need to get in place.
  • how to go about choosing the right software to support you. 

You'll want to explore the software more, and see it for yourself, so, when you're ready, get in touch and let's arrange a time to take you through it.