Talent Management Trends for 2025
At this time of resolutions and plans, through our conversations with HR leaders, six critical talen...
Setting up and managing a 360 review programme in any organisation is a complex process and in our experience, it can feel a bit overwhelming for HR Leaders and 360 Review programme managers as they navigate their way through implementing every step.
The real value of 360 review is determined by the quality of the feedback on the participant given by reviewers; this is what drives the overall feedback session and leads to the development plan. And yet, helping reviewers through the process of giving 360 feedback is sometimes glossed over, leading to lower uptake and quality of feedback for participants.
So, what can you do to better help your reviewers to avoid those pitfalls? We’ve put together a template for HR leaders and 360 review programme managers with step-by-step instructions to help reviewers give good quality 360 feedback to review participants.
Combining years of experience and written in conjunction with our User Group, we've compiled a Good Practice Guide to using 360, in which we've included a template of step-by-step instructions you can take, adapt and use with your own people.
You can sign up for this section of the Guide below - and if you want the complete Good Practice Guide, we can send that on to you as well.
The 360 Reviewer's instructions template is comprised of sections and words you can include when briefing your reviewers. It includes sections on how to explain:
Sign up to get this 360 Reviewer's instruction template now and take one step closer to delivering an effective 360 review in your organisation.
At this time of resolutions and plans, through our conversations with HR leaders, six critical talen...
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AI is under the microscope of many HR leaders. They appreciate that they need to explore and underst...