Building on a recovering economy with effective succession planning tools

succession planning

With so much workforce uncertainty over the last two years in particular, succession planning – or workforce planning – has risen up the strategic priority list. Skills shortages in leadership and business-critical positions at all levels of organisations – both smaller and larger in size – are under increasing pressure to withstand the ripple effect across organisations of losing key people and skills sets.

But how sure are you that your succession planning strategy and processes are robust enough to not just to cope amidst these organisational shifts but be confident that you have the necessary successors ready to make the most of a recovering economy and keep it successfully on course in line with your strategy?

We think that if the recent challenges have taught us anything it’s that businesses need to embrace and embed succession planning software if they are to survive and thrive.

That’s because succession planning software tools give you ways to capture a rich picture of talent profile data which you can quickly create a myriad of reports from to answer those all-important strategic questions. For instance,

  • Do you even know what your critical roles are?
  • Who you are in danger of losing?
  • Where do your succession gaps lie?
  • Who is ear-marked as a successor for more than one role?
  • Who are your future leaders and which of these have a high flight risk?
  • Which people have specific skills sets you could add to talent pools?
  • How can you compare people easily in the same talent pool?

Successor combines a powerful mix of features enabling you to see your talent visually in organisational charts, in 9-box grids that show performance levels by potential, pie charts, bar charts and lists to tease out successor readiness, flight risk, trajectory and more.

Where succession planning processes were once more exclusive, secretive and top-down, software tools like Successor enable a fairer and more transparent approach, which encourages people to commit to the process, actively engage and feel empowered in their own career pathways.

It also provides organisations with powerful and comprehensive tools giving them the right data in real time at the right time to help them manage succession planning risks, increase mobility and employee retention and to tailor the development of their people to their and your business needs.

Take a look at this short video to see how to make succession planning more effective.

succession planning software

After, you’ve watched the video, give us a call if you want to take a closer look.