How mature is your talent management strategy?

When any of us start to pull together and refine a talent management strategy, we tend to jot down what seems to be a disparate set of HR and L&D actions, activities and resources which are spread around the business.

They tend to include role profiles, HR databases, lists of training and development providers, articulated corporate vision and goals, recruitment adverts, annual performance meetings, manager reviews – and so on. They’re all key elements which can be brought together to become the building blocks of a strategy – but remember that no strategy can be delivered without the commitment of your biggest resource: your managers and leaders.

We like to think of talent management as a journey. When starting out we look to define the key skills and competencies needed. Further along, and we may see that regular performance reviews are in place and, moving on still further, we find an integrated talent management approach which is the core of all HR and L&D activity.

Where are you now? How far along the journey are you? Are you just starting out - or further along, looking now to enhance and build on what you do?

To help you find our where you are on this journey, ask yourself the 10 questions below and get hold of the first part of our White paper - Developing you Talent Management strategy.

Send me the White Paper series- Developing your Talent Management strategy 

Where are you on the Talent Management journey?  Answer these 10 questions and plot your position on the Talent Management Maturity path - and, when you’re ready, we’d love to work with you to take you further on that journey.


  1. How does your organisation currently fill key positions?
  2. How successful are your recruitment efforts?
  3. Do you have a company-specific, up-to-date competency framework?
  4. If you have a competency framework, how do you know it does what it needs to do?
  5. Do you know who will take over key positions once they become vacant?
  6. How well aligned is your performance management process to the strategic aims and plans of the organisation?
  7. How often do people get feedback within the organisation, and what is the quality of the feedback they get?
  8. How do people get promoted? Are there consistent, fair and transparent processes in place to support movement within and upwards in the company?
  9. Who are the best people in your organisation?
  10. What are you doing to keep these individuals?
Send me the White Paper series- Developing your Talent Management strategy