Embed Performance Management across your organisation

Performance Management is a process which can have a poor press in many organisations. Some research has even found that, as often as not, it decreases performance rather than increases it.

However, as a management practice it endures: for good reason.

Performance Management is the practice that establishes the ground rules for conversations between managers and employees.

Without effective Performance Management, it is difficult for managers and organisations to consider and make key decisions. This may be Who gets bonus payments and who does not? Who is the best candidate for promotion into a key position? Who are your best performers, that you really need to engage and keep? Who should be given the opportunity to take on a challenging, business-critical project?

These talent management decisions are dependent upon the assessment of an individual’s performance, behaviour, achievements, capability and potential - but to have this, you'll need to embed performance management.

Performance Management is the process by which such assessments can be made. 

Performance Management is a part of every manager’s role; if you have line management duties, then enabling your direct reports to perform their duties, reach their potential, effectively plan and align their work with broader priorities and allowing them to see how they are progressing is part of your day-to-day job. So, it’s part of the job description, an organisational requirement – but also a practice through which you can gain significant benefits as a manager, and an individual. If you do not manage people, it is still your responsibility to achieve your own objectives and fulfil the requirements of your role – and Performance Management is a process which will help you to do that.

Embed performance management

In our work with clients, we have seen that where performance management is part of the business culture, HR business partners and leaders of organisations are focussing their employees on performance improvement, rather than just performance management – and our view is that this shift can be supported by:

  • having an efficient, easy to use and flexible online talent management software system;
  • training managers in the key skills of feedback, objective setting, coaching and;
  • having crucial performance conversations.

In organisations where performance management is embedded, we see that:

  • the focus tends to be on day-to-day activity and ongoing conversation and dialogue, rather than an annual, standalone form-filling exercise.
  • the managers have access to a wide range of data on employee performance, and can incorporate self-assessment, client or customer feedback, 360 degree reviews, crowd-sourced feedback and other performance metrics to help people determine progress and achievement.
  • the manager’s role is more facilitative, enabling and supportive than judgemental, autocratic and directive.

Our Performance Management eBook is already helping organisations to embed performance management.  It offers support to you as L&D and HR decision makers as you work with your employees and managers to embed Performance Management and get the most from your investment in this important Talent Management activity.

Request your copy now.

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