Generation Z - Talent Management

Managing Gen Z talent is said to present different challenges from managing other so-called ‘generations’; the career portfolio, a stronger desire for work-life balance, development planning.

How does this impact the traditional talent management model?

Recent research by the Centre for HR Excellence at Henley Business School, suggests that, despite the shift in the need for a more segmented approach to talent management practices, we’re failing to learn about the individual and shape our ‘offer’ accordingly.

We’ll be looking at this at our event. Are you attending?

The Consumerisation of Talent will be opened by author of the research – and an experienced senior HR leader for many years - Professor Nick Kemsley, Co-Director at the Centre for HR Excellence.

  • He’ll reveal why he thinks many talent management models are based on out-dated assumptions, and what this may mean for HR.
  • He’ll share the findings and will challenge the attendees to look at their own talent management strategies and how these are impacted by such a change and suggest what HR should be doing about it.
  • We’ll then translate this to the manager/employee discussion using skilled actors and facilitators to bring this to life by seeing how talent conversations take a dramatic shift when the ‘consumer’s’ perspective is taken into account.
  • And we’ll then, to help you take action, share our Implementation Plan which suggest some immediate practical actions and approaches.

We’d like you to be a part of our exclusive event to unpick this major shift and identify what it means to your HR practices.

This ‘invitation only event’ is aimed at senior HR decision makers – and those who are ready to take action.

Get in touch with us now if you’d like to get your invite.