Engaging with PDR across Cleveland Police

A case study about how Cleveland Police worked with Head Light to redesign its Force-wide PDR process. This was a project about reporting statistics, but also engagement and building an understanding of the value of the PDR process.

Cleveland Police

Cleveland Police worked with Head Light to redesign its Force-wide PDR process. This was a project not just about reporting statistics, but one of engagement and building an understanding of the value of the PDR process.

The starting point once Talent Performance had been reviewed and purchased, was to reach out across the Force to gain input on the system, the design of the screens, the language used and the tweaks needed. One year on and the Force achieved a higher percentage than even of those completing their PDR (94%) and has established a moderating panel going forward to check on the fairness and quality of the PDR conversations and evidence.

In developing and launching the new PDR across the Force, Cleveland Police has:

  • Introduced a ground-breaking quality assurance check on performance reviews to ensure fairness.
  • Achieved completion rates higher than ever before.
  • Engaged with and sought feedback from people across the ranks and levels of the Force.
  • Emphasised the value of PDR for professional development and promotion.

Read the abridged case study to learn the key lessons learned from involving and engaging people across the organisation during this first year of implementation. A longer version of this case study is available - contact us to obtain a copy.

Learn more about how we can support you to design and develop your own performance management process.

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