Making Performance the Conversation at Newcastle Building Society

Read how Newcastle Building Society transformed ownership of the performance conversation by drawing on best practice and deploying Talent Performance.



Newcastle Building Society understands the value of the performance conversation between manager and colleague. It recognised that these conversations can be best supported through a performance portal configured for its organisation.

Newcastle Building Society previously had in place a performance management process typical of many large organisations: a paper-based, once-a-year, backward-focused process.

It realised that the performance conversation itself – and not the surrounding process – was the critical component to empowering colleagues to take ownership of their progress and achievement. However, the firm needed an online system to support these conversations.

The team at Newcastle Building Society wanted a readily accessible online tool for all 1,300 colleagues regardless of how and where they work that could capture and record actions, decisions and progress. Talent Performance was selected.

From introducing the configured Talent Performance, Newcastle Building Society has:

  • An online performance portal, integrated with its HRIS and configured for its own specific workflow and approach.
  • An easy-to-access tool for all of its 1,300 colleagues – whether they are office- or branch-based.
  • Empowered colleagues to track and monitor their own specific goals and progress.
  • Emphasised individual ownership of success and achievement of objectives and goals.
  • Supported managers and colleagues as they adopt a new forward-focused approach to performance - making sure that performance conversations are known to be important.
  • Given performance review a "new lease of life" across the firm.

Cheryl Haslewood comments: "Talent Performance is helping our people to focus on their performance conversations and empowering them to take action."

Read the abridged case study to gain a high level view of the approach Newcastle Building Society took - and find out more about its chosen tool - Talent Performance

A longer version of this case study is available - contact us to get a copy.

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