How hybrid working impacts your performance management platform
Find out the steps needed to make sure your performance review platform and performance management process align with your working patterns.
Find out the steps needed to make sure your performance review platform and performance management process align with your working patterns.
Explore the key 2025 HR trends transforming talent management - and what this means for your talent management and talent retention platform.
Discover the 3 core pillars of employee-centered talent management: 360 feedback; self-managed skills tracking; career path mapping.
Feel confident that you are using AI ethically and legally when using it to help analyse 360 data
Find out how to get the most from AI to get powerful insights when analysing the themes emerging from a team, group or cohort of 360 reviews.
Go beyond performance reviews to accelerate people performance, boost employee engagement, build a feedback culture and drive organisational success.
Improve internal mobility and build organisational resilience through skills development and career path mapping.
How to create a feedback-friendly culture at work to improve performance management
Training course to equip your managers to have better performance conversations as part of continuous performance management.
Find out the 'non-negotiables' to make your 360 degree feedback more effective.
Learn the essential actions organisations need to take right now to transform employee career conversations and boost employee retention.
Find out how outsourcing your 360 degree feedback programmes can help you get all the benefits of 360, without the administrative burden.
Understand why paper-based 360 degree feedback is not sustainable, secure, accurate or convenient. Move online for 360 even if working with few...
How to include within performance management recognition for a job well done and to pass on kudos.
How can we start to build kudos and recognition into working practices? Find out how.
Find out the actions you can take to help prioritise workplace wellbeing within your organisation and how best to support managers to do this.
Let down by talent management software providers? Check out the essential questions you need answers to when talking with any potential platform...
Faced with a recession, what are the key HR challenges confronting organisations? Find out how talent management and retention platforms can support.
Read about the critical signs that suggest it's time to rethink who supports your 360 degree feedback programmes.
Reskilling is now recognised as a crucial component in any retention programme. Find out how to empower employees to reskill and develop a career...
Read why it is time to move on from HR-driven and HR-curated skills management so key talent can update and promote their skills across the business.
Learn how to ensure you are developing the workforce competencies needed in the future and helping employees to understand their own career paths.
What are the talent management initiatives that can help retain employees and give them a vision of the future with you?
Creating a diverse workforce requires a rethink of all talent practices including succession planning and progression. Tools and analytics can help.
Hybrid working is here to stay. The challenge now is how to make hybrid working work for all. Find out how HR can support this with the right talent...
Apache Log4j Notice
We know that remote working has given us the flexibility that many of us craved. But, is working from home – even for some of the time – a...
It seems that work-life balance has become perhaps even less possible than it was before – or it is simply an unhelpful concept? We take a closer...
In our latest blog, we consider whether the use of video meeting technology is both a blessing and a curse or is it a double-edged sword?
In this article, we consider the impact of the pandemic and what this means for practices in our world, such as learning and development, engagement,...
Getting started with performance management can be daunting but our sticky note tool can help employees to maintain their engagement with ongoing...
We think that if the recent challenges have taught us anything it's that businesses need to embrace and embed succession planning software if they...
What are the questions that work well as prompts for managers in 360 review feedback sessions?
The Good Practice Guide for 360 degree feedback offers tips, templates and ideas to deliver best practice in 360 degree feedback
In 2015 we reflected on the consumerisation of talent urging organisations to adapt their succession planning strategies to emerging trends or risk...
Assuming your organisation’s Continuous Performance Management strategy is underway, how do you know you’re on track and how are you recording those...
Amplify the 'employee voice' to develop more coherent and robust succession plans for your organisation.
We've put together a free template for HR leaders and 360 review programme managers with step-by-step instructions to help reviewers give good...
As we return to normality, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reset. Are we going to try to do too much and miss the big wins?
Here are our 5 essential steps to implement post-launch to ensure the successful longevity and growth of your continuous performance management...
Here we discuss six top tips for reaching out and getting the essential buy-in in the early stages of the design project to get a widely accepted...
How are you supporting your remote workforce through continuous performance management? Here we summarise what's needed to help you overcome the...
Deploying and embedding a continuous performance management approach that focuses on engagement rather than compliance requires a rethink of how to...
As you head into 2021, it’s time to get your Talent and Performance Management working together and take both to the next level.
Read how Northamptonshire Police successfully implemented their Continuous Performance Management programme during COVID lockdown.
Driving Diversity and Inclusion in Corporate Talent Pipelines. Charting current Diversity metrics and predicting how that could change. Tools and...
These uncertain times are driving more and more organisations to engage with reducing their 'people-risk' with more robust and agile approaches to...
It's more important than ever to be getting useful feedback about how you're doing. Here we explore how a 360 can help you do that.
Managers and leaders need to be more tolerant, more accepting of individual circumstances as we start to return to work.
Get to know your team’s circumstances, challenges, wants, needs, motivations and preferences to get more from them.
Managers and HR departments alike should be taking a fresh look at how valued and engaged the entire workforce feels.
How can we come back and retain the resilience we have had to show in the last few months?
A clear call for much greater flexibility and more access to remote working for all has been issued on the back of this COVID19 crisis.
Tackling some of the main changes that are worth keeping and what the practices, policies and behaviours that we should work to sustain post COVID19.
We have adapted the course to work as a blended learning, virtual programme, for organisations whose teams are geographically dispersed, remote teams...
Rethinking your approach to succession planning in the light of the COVID-19 crisis.
We are in unprecedented times, and that calls for unprecedented leadership. Leaders of organisations today are probably facing the toughest decisions...
The final week of our 6-week series looks at how managers need to be instilling a sense of empowerment and authority and how leaders must take part...
What drives people to be motivated and engaged at work? Find out in Week 5 of our Series.
Bringing people together and creating a team identity is the subject of Week 4 of our Series.
Getting better at coaching conversations and talking about health, wellbeing and work-life balance.
Use an online 360 tool to help develop the coaching capabilities of internal coaches or use with external business coaches to support their coaching...
How we can help you to assess the growth in capability of managers giving feedback and building a coaching culture
Why is it so important for managers to give good feedback to their team members and how do they do it?
The first of our 6-week series on Emotional Intelligence
Introducing our new 6-week series - Mobilising the Messy Analogue Moving Parts.
Here are our top tips for bringing your competency framework to life, based on a real world application.
How to improve the data used for Talent Reviews & Succession Planning. Use 360 degree feedback to develop insight and perspective.
There are three simple principles that underpin the new approach to continuous performance management - Conversations, Feedback and Cadence.
The trend for written feedback over ratings continues and while it's common to have open ended questions , often they are little more than 'start,...
With reward decisions based on ratings, how can organisations, built on a bonus expectation, drive their employee reward strategy, without ratings?
Tips on how to carry out a strategic review your competency framework with a view to updating and revising this.
Use an online career path mapping tool to support employees to explore and map out a career path - and to help HR retain key talent.
Curious about the cost of talent management software? Find out - based on your business needs. Access leading-edge online software and outsource its...
We all want managers to having more conversations with their team, but how can we help them make those conversations more 'purposeful'?
Helps you determine how detailed your competency framework should be
360 degree feedback is widely used for individual development planning. Now look to extend your use of it to make teams more effective. Read how in...
Harness the 'employee voice' to create more realistic, credible and reliable succession plans for your organisation.
Find out the three key markers that indicate that your organisation might be ready for the transition to Continuous Performance Management - and what...
The 9 Box Grid is a valuable and visual tool used across succession planning. 9 Box Grid alternatives include Performance/Potentials Grids and form a...
What is succession planning? Find out how succession planning helps to identify and grow talent to fill leadership and business critical positions in...
Keep up with the ever-changing world of Talent Management by using this quick access glossary of Talent Management terms and definitions. Use as your...
Find out the important features of succession planning processes. From the need to identify critical positions and those with high potential who will...
Find out what the benefits of succession planning can be. If you're deciding what your succession planning policy could be, take a look at some of...
What gets included in a succession planning template? Once you have agreed the approach and the succession planning model you are using, you then...
eBook offer. Find out how Performance Management supports the drive to change organisational cultural. It covers: the importance of performance...
How does your succession planning talent review meeting work out? Does it follow a process and structure? Do you capture the outputs in a 9 Box Grid?...
To receive feedback graciously - when positive or not so positive - can be tricky. Find out the 4 simple rules to bear in mind when getting feedback.
All 360 software is not the same. Online efficiencies are standard and what sets 360 apart is the depth, insight and usability of the system so that...
Read what are 10 of the most common biases that we bring to any decision-making situation. Learn how we need to be aware of these so that we can...
Use our simple audit tool to see if your organisation is ready to get started with succession planning. Take a look at your critical roles, your...
How do you define which effective succession planning model will work best for your organisation? Agile and fluid, flexible or more stable and...
Find out how you can use your 360 data already gathered as part of a 360 degree feedback review to help identify potential - and specifically those...
Some smaller sized businesses see talent management as something just for larger organisations. And yet their employees have the same need to be...
How do you identify critical positions for succession planning? Remember to look beyond your leaders and see which expert or specialist roles are...
Continuous Performance Management is much talked about. But what is continuous performance management - and how can you get move your current...
Take a look at how you can improve succession planning processes to ensure that talent management and succession planning align.
A chance to watch the video recording of our presentation exploring talent management analytics on behalf of CIPHR at the CIPD HR Software and...
360 degree feedback is widely used for individual development planning. Now look to extend your use of it to make teams more effective. Read how in...
How can you support your managers and employees to give and receive feedback on performance, goals and objectives without it being cumbersome and...
The 6 fundamental talent management questions you ought to be able to answer
Looks at how succession plans are becoming more focused, shorter and more guided
Learn why Continuous Performance Management is the natural shift of performance review - and how to get started. Get our free eBook.
Get ready to choose your talent management software supplier at the CIPD L&D Show by finding out how they answer these questions
Find out which talent analytics and talent metrics are essential to your organisation - and learn how to ignore the noise from the others. Join us at...
What are the trends in HR for 2018? We explore 4 key trends; the shift from 'Employee Engagement' to 'Employee Experience'; the digitisation of HR;...
Good Practice Guide for 360 degree feedback offers tips, templates and ideas to deliver good practice in 360 degree feedback
Are you writing a 360 degree feedback questionnaire and wanting to include open-ended questions to get more evidence? Find out how in our useful...
Looking at talent management software and finding it hard to know what to ask of the suppliers you meet? Use this list of questions to act as a...
Curious about the cost of talent management software? Find out - based on your business needs. Access leading-edge online software and outsource its...
If you're an SME and looking to get started with 360 degree feedback, then our e-book is a must read.
Is robust effective talent management out of the reach of smaller or medium-sized, non-corporate businesses?
How Head Light is working with its clients to get ready for GDPR and their use of talent management software
Find out about performance review software for small companies. Getting started with performance management can be daunting. Help engagement by...
Looks at the essential characteristics that will give your 360 degree feedback project the best chance of success and value.
Does continuous performance management work? Announcing the Continuous Performance Management Index - to help you determine how your continuous and...
Easy-to-ask but tricky-to-answer succession planning questions. Take a look at these tricky succession planning questions, and see how you would...
Looks at going beyond SMART objectives to help improve the writing of a good objective for people at work
How can you help people give better feedback as part of 360 degree feedback processes
Find out the benefits of performance management for the HR team. Learn what you need to do to get started.
Helps SME in their employee objective setting by going beyond SMART objectives
Looks at how to write a good development goal as part of an on-going continuous performance management approach. Support for managers.
Explores how to create meaningfulness at work through an organisation's talent management approach
Are there gender biases in the way in which people rate others or themselves in 360 degree feedback
How does the growth in the career portfolio impact succession planning
Find out more about the two key challenges of succession planning: identifying the right people and embracing the shift in the talent market....
Find out what do you need to get in place in order to adopt continuous performance management? What are the actions to take for Continuous...
How can you help your managers to give higher quality feedback as they review participants as part of 360 degree feedback
How do you know that continuous performance management is working? If you have made the move, how are you measuring how it is working?
What makes for a good online 360 degree feedback process? 9 essential characteristics to get the most from this important & valuable talent...
Looks at the 5 stages organisations can work through to design and deploy their own talent management software system
Looks at how Munoz Group in UK has introduced online performance management and 360 degree feedback and aligning objectives with those of the business
Find out how to help managers set better performance objectives as part of on-going performance appraisal
Travis Perkins group uses Talent 360 for aspiring store managers and branch managers as part of its development programme.
The essentials needed in employee engagement software to give organisations valuable, meaningful and actionable information
Look at how to improve the fit between 360 review and the organisational culture.
Reviews employee engagement trends and what research tell us in 2017. We consider the importance of Talent Management processes on employee...
Easy-to-ask but hard to answer succession planning questions. Take a look at these tricky succession planning questions, and see how you would...
Areas to think about when you are introducing 360 degree feedback for the first time.
How to help managers to have career conversations. See how straightforward career path mapping is for employees and help managers to have career...
The problems when feeding back 360 and how to overcome them.
Find out how to make your succession planning strategy more effective. Transform succession planning talent reviews to make your succession planning...
Explores how to review, update or develop for the first time a Talent Management Strategy
Explores how to draw on the information available to define what good looks like in your organisation
Transform your own HR role and change how others see you and your contribution when you introduce on-going, agile performance management. Join our...
What is needed to introduce continuous performance management. Find out the 9 essentials to making a transition to a more agile performance appraisal...
Getting your values embedded across the organisation
The best scales to include in 360 assessment - includes a description of these, when to use and suggests anchor points
Learn how to implement and deploy a robust performance appraisal approach that is goes beyond the annual performance review
Take a look across all your talent management activities and see how your competency framework feeds into and is reinforced in each area.
A collection of 360 degree feedback hacks, or shortcuts, to help your people get the most from reviewing their 360 report by flagging areas to look at
How do you know that your move to continuous performance management is working and your people have more regular performance conversations
The areas to investigate and questions to ask when looking for a talent management software provider to determine the best fit between supplier and...
Use an online 360 tool to help developing the coaching capabilities of internal coaches or use with external business coaches to support their...
Looks at how 360 can be used in conflict resolution by providing anonymous feedback, to support the mediation conversation and to inform development
Use online 360 degree feedback to help identify and spot potential. Extend your use of 360 beyond that of personal, individual development plans
Looks at re-purposing 360 degree feedback information to help assess the ROI of L&D activities and programmes.
Re-use 360 information to help inform and support training needs analysis and to prioritise and focus learning and development resource
Learning Management Systems if used alone can lead to poorly differentiated learning. Use 360 alongside LMS to signpost the exact L&D interventions...
The areas to investigate and questions to ask when looking for a talent management software provider to determine the best fit between supplier and...
The opportunity to try out 360 degree feedback online. Choose from a range of 360 questionnaires, tell us who you want to take part and we'll do the...
Take a look at our talent management software at the CIPD HR Software Show - 15 and 16 June at Olympia, London. We're on stand H260.
How are your managers able to see the progress of the performance objectives of their people as part of their on-going performance management? Our...
Get ready to choose your talent management software supplier at the CIPD L&D Show by finding out how they answer these questions
Use an online career path mapping tool to support employees to explore and map out a career path - and to help HR retain key talent.
How to build your competency framework into all aspects of your talent management and organisation - and some ideas of the action you can take.
See how Thames Valley Police uses online performance management software to support its annual PDR and performance review process
Tips on how to carry out a strategic review your competency framework with a view to updating and revising this.
Many organisations have a Competency Framework, perhaps designed many years ago and some question its relevance now. Is it time to revisit its value?
Continuous performance management requires a shift away from annual review and needs the assessments, online tool, and communication plan to make it...
Establishing rapport and re-contracting are fundamental to a succession 360 degree facilitated feedback session; this blog suggests a structure for...
How can you measure engagement with objectives now you have introduced continuous performance management and moved away from an annual performance...
Take the information from your career mapping and include in an online carer planning tool for your employees
Find out more about how performance appraisal can learn something from neuroscience. Here we take the SCARF framework and apply it to improving...
How to meet the Talent Management trends in 2016
Continuous performance management supports career consumers looking for a more meaningful two-way on-going conversation rather than a one-off annual...
Performance reviews are changing but what are the fundamental areas to consider when looking at updating performance management processes?
What were the 5 core trends in talent management we witnessed in 2015?
The challenge to organisations using 360 is how to make 360 feedback meaningful and the PAPU-NANU model helps in this
Find out how you can support managers to improve performance conversations with their employees as part of on-going performance appraisal. How to...
Nick Kemsley discusses 5 key aspects of succession planning which need to be thought about given the trend in the consumerisation of talent.
Find out what is the future of succession planning and hear from Professor Nick Kemsleyas he asks if it's time to develop a new approach to...
Debbie Hance answers the question as to whether the use of organisations can use 360 degree feedback beyond development
Introducing 360 can be daunting and in this article we share 3 key areas organisations need to consider when introducing 360 degree feedback.
Getting started with performance management can be daunting. Help engagement by providing employees and managers with performance appraisal software...
Spot high potential by making use of your 360 tool and highlight those people with the high potential for success in your organisation
Looks at how to calculate the ROI of performance management using Head Light's ROI tool.
Find out more about the future of performance management and why organisations are transitioning to a more continuous approach to performance...
How to assess the growth in capability of managers giving feedback and building a coaching culture
Look at the implications for succession planning policy and succession planning practice arising from move towards talent consumerisation. Succession...
How does the consumerisation of talent impact out employee engagement programmes and activities?
Find out how does talent consumerisation impact the practices and processes of Performance Management ? What steps can organisations take to develop...
Improve your paper-based appraisals and performance management by letting Head Light show you how easily your current system can move online.
View your talent as customers
A shift in employee behaviour has seen the growth of the talent consumer. This consumerisation of talent has implications for talent management...
Get ready to choose your talent management software supplier at the CIPD L&D Show by finding out how they answer these questions
Take a look at our talent management software at the CIPD Learning and Development Show - 13 and 14 May
The Winsor Review states the importance of anniversary PDRs. Head Light's Talent Performance cloud-based software is used by police forces to support...
HR look at improving talent management by adopting activities used in marketing and to view talented people as consumers.